全て (0)
It indicates the current package status during transportation. You may refer to our status definition: Not Found / Info received / In Transit / Pick Up / Out for Delivery / Undelivered / Delivered / Alert / Expired. When tracking is completed, we will show the status according to all detailed tracking information.
- 情報が見つかりません (0)
Your package is not found at this moment on the carrier's website, If necessary, please verify with the package sender and check back later.
- お荷物が未集荷である。
- 貨物会社がお荷物スキャンを済ませておらず、追跡情報がデータベースに未入力の状態。
- お荷物追跡番号が間違っている、もしくは有効でない。
- そのアイテムが配達されてからかなりの時間が経過しているため、情報がありません。
- Info received (0)
Info received
Your package is waiting to be picked up by the carrier.
The shipping order has been placed and sent to the carrier, waiting to be collected for transport. If the transport hasn't started for a long time, we suggest that you contact the carrier for advice.
- 輸送中 (0)
Your package has shipped from the originating country and is en route to its destination.
- 発送元より輸送会社へ輸送中です。
- お荷物が発送、または出発国を出発しました。
- お荷物が仕向国に到着し、通関手続中です。
- お荷物が仕向国に到着し、輸送中です。
- お荷物が輸送中です。例) 仕向国へ輸送のため、第三国を通過、または経由しています。
- 引受 (0)
Your package has arrived at a nearby pick-up point. Please pick it up soon to avoid being returned.
The carrier has collection deadline, we'd advise you pickup your package at once, or it might be returned to the sender.If you ensure your package has been delivered successfully, please ignore this notice.
- Out for Delivery (0)
Out for Delivery
Your package is out for delivery.
The carrier is on its way to deliver the shipment, please keep your contact unblocked to avoid returned packages due to failed delivery. If you haven't received your package yet, we suggest you contact the carrier to arrange for redelivery of your package.
- 未配達 (0)
Your package was attempted for delivery but failed, this may due to several reasons. Please contact the carrier for clarification.
- お荷物を配達できなかったいくつかの原因:配達時間に受取人が不在、配達に遅れがあり受取人によって配達時間が変更された場合、住所に問題あり - 建物の場所が地方、または離れた場所にあるため特定出来ませんでした。
- 配達完了 (0)
Your package was delivered successfully to the addressee.
- 異常 (0)
Your package might undergo unusual shipping condition, this may due to several reasons, most likely package was returned to sender, customs issue, lost, damaged etc.
- Your package is being returned to sender due to any of these reasons: package refused by addressee; incorrect / illegible / incomplete address; expired retention period; addressee absence; etc.
- 下記いずれかの理由で税関によりお荷物が差し押さえされています。:輸入禁止品目が入っている。輸入制限品目が入っている。税未払いによる差し押さえ。その他の理由。
- 輸送中にお荷物が破損、または紛失しました。
- 期限切れ (0)
Your package was in transportation period for a long time still has no delivered results.
- 輸送中、輸送会社によりお荷物情報のアップデートが行われなくなりました。
- 輸送会社が追跡情報を入力していません。
- 輸送中にお荷物が紛失しました。

全て (0)
It indicates the current package status during transportation. You may refer to our status definition: Not Found / Booked / Received / In Transit / Arrived / Pick Up Notified / Delivered. When tracking is completed, we will show the status according to all detailed tracking information.
Given that the package status is auto-judged by the system, it's only for information reference use. Kindly note 17TRACK website/apps works as an interface with the actual carriers. It is the info they enter into their database that we can get and present to you. But we are not responsible in anyway for your shipment. In any instance, if the system gives you an incorrect package status, please don't hesitate to contact us.
- Booked (0)
Your package has been booked on a certain flight.
Please pay attention to checking the tracking information and handing the shipment to the airline on time.
- Received (0)
Your package has been received by the airline.
Your package has been received by the airline. If the transport hasn't started for a long time, we suggest that you contact the airline for advice.
- In Transit (0)
In Transit
Your package has been shipped and is en route to its destination.
- The flight your package is on has already departed.
- Some other transport processes, such as flight transfer, etc.
Please pay attention to detailed tracking information, if your package has arrived its destination country, we'd advise you to track it again within 1-2 days and observe the latest updates to ensure a smooth receipt of the package.
- Arrived (0)
Your package has arrived at the airport of the destination country.
We'd advise you to contact the consignee in the destination country for pick-up.
- Pick Up Notified (0)
Pick Up Notified
Your package has arrived in the destination and the consignee has been notified to pick it up.
- Your package has arrived at the destination and waiting for pick-up. We'd advise you to contact the consignee in the destination country for pick-up.
- Delivered (0)
Your package has been picked up and successfully delivered to the consignee.
Under most circumstances, the delivered status indicates that the package has been delivered successfully. If the consignee didn't receive it, we'd advise you to contact the airline for clarification.
- Not Found (0)
Not Found
Your package is not found and there is no tracking information available at this moment.
- The airline hasn't scanned and entered tracking information for your package yet.
- Your tracking number is incorrect or invalid.
- The package was posted a long time ago, info not available anymore.
Generally, after the airline receive your package, then they scan and enter the tracking information. There might be a delay between these scanning events and tracking availability in their system. Usually it takes some time for processing, therefore the tracking information may not appear online immediately, please try to confirm with the airline or track again later.