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DSers‑AliExpress Dropshipping

About DSers‑AliExpress Dropshipping

At DSers, we believe everyone deserves a fast and efficient ordering method. Efficiency and Innovation are our main goal and we strive in removing any technical barriers or difficulties that can prevent dropshippers from selling goods and closing orders. We're excited to help you on your journey!

AliExpress Dropshipping Solution to place orders, find suppliers and import products

DSers, AliExpress Dropshipping Solution, the new standard to process hundreds of orders at once, faster than ever before and find new products & suppliers to sell always more, with better profits! With DSers, you can find cheaper suppliers, import products from various sources, find better and more reliable suppliers, automate some time-consuming tasks and more!

App highlights

Supplier Optimizer: Help dropshippers to reach out to cheaper and better suppliers in one click. There is no need for store owners to search for suppliers for their dropshipping products manually.

Bulk Order: It’s a time-consuming task to get orders in your online store. Hence, the process of placing orders should be time-saving. The feature allows dropshippers to select up to 100 orders and place them all, together, in just a few seconds to AliExpress.‍

Bundle Products: Makes dropshippers create a pack of products, from different AliExpress suppliers. With those product bundles, dropshippers can create new attractive orders, discounts, and reduced prices for clients. In addition, it allows dropshippers to sell more products than you were to sell them separately.

Use the 17TRACK Shopify APP to track your DSers‑AliExpress Dropshipping packages.
Shopify 賣家專屬查詢應用,隨時掌握 DSers‑AliExpress Dropshipping 包裹情況。開始使用
Use the 17TRACK API to track your DSers‑AliExpress Dropshipping packages.
DSers‑AliExpress Dropshipping 物流查詢 API 輕鬆實現自動跟蹤和 Webhook。免費測試,開始使用
Use the 17TRACK API to track your DSers‑AliExpress Dropshipping packages.
使用 17TRACK App 隨時掌握 DSers‑AliExpress Dropshipping 配送情況馬上下載